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第一节 完形填空(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)


A school bus driver returned to college to become a high school history teacher, thanks to some _______1_______ students.

Clayton Ward is a history lover, and as such, _______2_______ the time he'd spend chatting with students about their history classes as he _______3_______ them to and from school.

"After several of these discussions, some of the students would tell me they wanted me to be their _______4_______," he said."That small mention from those kids…it _______5_______ me and gave me the motivation to complete a goal I had started years ago."

_______6_______, Ward went to college after his high school graduation; but after a year, he had to leave and soon started driving buses.But he still valued _______7_______, and talking with the students on the bus route renewed his sense of passion for expanding and teaching young minds.

Ward enrolled(注册)at a community college in May 2019, and _______8_______ to take his classes full time while also still driving his bus.

"It wasn't always _______9_______.I would drive my route in the morning and afternoon, take classes in between shifts and take night classes," he said."I would think of those students and all the years I wanted to make this happen, and it helped me focus my energy."

"You wouldn't think that kids can do something like that, to give me the _______10_______ and ambition to go back to school," Ward said."It's kind of crazy that such a small thing can make such an impact on your life."

1. A. energetic B. supportive C. considerate D. generous

2. A. enjoyed B. found C. saved D. missed

3. A. attended B. watched C. bussed D. trained

4. A. driver B. adviser C. friend D. teacher

5. A. aimed at B. stuck with C. occurred to D. called on

6. A. Initially B. Consequently C. Apparently D. Ultimately

7. A. success B. communication C. responsibility D. education

8. A. hesitated B. offered C. managed D. happened

9. A. suitable B. hopeful C. lucky D. easy

10. A. right B. drive C. chance D. freedom

【答案】1. B    2. A    3. C    4. D    5. B    6. A    7. D    8. C    9. D    10. B


这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了学校公交车司机Clayton Ward在学生们的鼓励和支持下,完成大学学业,成为一名高中历史老师的故事。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一些学生的支持下,一名校车司机回到大学成为了一名高中历史老师。A.energetic精力充沛的;    B.supportive支持的;C.considerate体贴的;D.generous大方的。根据后文倒数第二段“I would think of those students and all the years I wanted to make this happen, and it helped me focus my energy.”可知,在学生们的支持下,作者重回大学,后来成为了一名高中老师。故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。句意: Clayton Ward是一位历史爱好者,因此,他很享受开公交车接送学生上下学时与他们聊历史课的时光。A.enjoyed享受,喜欢;B.found发现;C.saved挽救;D.missed思念,错过。根据前文“Clayton Ward is a history lover”可知,因为Clayton Ward是一个历史学科的爱好者,所以他很享受和学生们聊历史的时光。故选A。


考查词动词词义辨析。句意同上。A.attended参加,出席;B.watched观看;C.bussed用公共汽车运送;D.trained训练。根据文章第一句“A school bus driver…”可知,Clayton Ward是一个学校公交车司机,所以此处表示他开公交车送学生上学。故选C。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:在几次这样的讨论之后,一些学生会告诉我,他们想让我做他们的老师。A.driver司机;B.adviser顾问;C.friend朋友;D.teacher老师。根据后文“and talking with the students on the bus route renewed his sense of passion for expanding and teaching young minds.”可知,孩子们想要Clayton Ward成为他们的老师。故选D。


考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:那些孩子提到那一点,一直萦绕着我,给了我动力去完成我多年前就开始的目标。A.aimed at皆在;B.stuck with坚持,固执(想法等);    C.occurred to突然想到;D.called on要求,呼吁。根据后文“gave me the motivation to complete a goal …”可知,孩子们的提议一直在作者的脑海中挥之不去。故选B。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:起初,Ward在高中毕业后上了大学。A.Initially最初,起初;B.Consequently因此;C.Apparently明显地;D.Ultimately最终。根据后文“ but after a year, he had to leave and soon started driving buses.”可知,最初Clayton Ward是上了大学的,后来才去开公交车的。故选A。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他仍然重视教育,在巴士路上与学生们的交谈重新激发了他对拓展和教育年轻思想的热情。A.success成功;    B.communication交流;C.responsibility责任;D.education教育。根据空后一句描述和转折连词but可知,此处表示Clayton Ward依然很重视教育的。故选D。




考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这并不总是容易的。A.suitable合适的;B.hopeful有希望的;    C.lucky幸运的;D.easy容易的。根据后文“I would drive my route in the morning and afternoon, take classes in between shifts and take night classes”可知,要想兼顾开车和上课并不是一件容易的事情。故选D。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:你不会想到孩子们能做这样的事,给我动力和雄心回到学校。A.right权力;    B.drive动力;C.chance机会;D.freedom自由。根据空后“It's kind of crazy that such a small thing can make such an impact on your life.”可知,孩子们的话给了Clayton Ward动力和雄心,让他重返大学校园,并成为一名老师。故选B。

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)



Adolph Kiefer, a famous swimmer, _______11_______(die)at the age of 98 in 2017. Kiefer was America's _______12_______ (old) living Olympic champion. He was the first in the world to break the one-minute mark in the 100-meter backstroke (仰泳) when he was a 16-year-old student. One year later, Kiefer won the gold medal in the 100-meter backstroke competition at the Olympic Games, _______13_______(set) a record that would stand for 20 years.

【答案】11. died    

12. oldest    13. setting



这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了奥运冠军Adolph Kiefer的生平事迹。




考查形容词最高级。句意:基弗是美国历史年纪最大的奥运会冠军。分析句子可知,前文提及age of 98 in 2017可知,此处所述为年纪最大的奥运会冠军。故填oldest。






About 5 000 years ago, a strange circle of blue stones were set up in Britain.The structure has 80 stones in all and each stone _______14_______(weigh)about three tons.No one is sure _______15_______ built the structure.One of the most popular beliefs is that the Celts built it.Some even think creatures from another planet who visited Earth left it behind just _______16_______(let)us know they were here.

【答案】14. weighs    

15. who    16. to let





考查主谓一致和动词时态。句意:该结构共有80块石头,每块石头重约三吨。分析句子可知,and前句时态为一般现在时,且后句主语为each stone,根据主谓一致原则,此处使用一般现在时第三人称单数形式。故填weighs。


考查宾语从句。句意:没有人确定是谁建造了这个结构。 分析句子可知,be sure(of)是固定句型,of后接宾语从句,且从句中缺少人作主语,因此使用联系词who引导宾语从句。故填who。


考查动词不定式。句意:有些甚至认为来自另一个星球的生物访问过地球,只是为了让我们知道他们在这里而已。分析句子可知,句中存在谓语动词left,此处使用不定式to let非谓语动词作left it behind的目的状语。故填to let。




Have you ever attended a Cinco de Mayo festival? If you have not, you do not know what you are missing._______17_______ Spanish, the words cinco de mayo mean fifth of May.It is a day for the _______18_______(celebrate)of the fighting spirit of Mexican people.The festival _______19_______(hold)both in Mexico and in parts of the United States, especially the Southwest, _______20_______ there is a larger Hispanic population.

【答案】17. In    18. celebration    

19. is held    

20. where