
1.at best至多,充其量,就最乐观的一面来看。如:

Life is short at best.生命再长也是短暂的。

At best a few hundred people attended the meeting.充其量只有几百人参加了会议。

We can’t arrive before Friday at best.我们无论如何也无法在星期五以前赶到。

2.do[try]one’s best尽力,竭尽全力。如:

As long as you do your best,we’ll be happy.只要你尽力,我们就满意了。

It doesn’t matter if you don’t win---just try your best.赢不了也没关系,只要努力即可。


We did our best to help them.我们尽力帮了他们。


3.had best最好,应该。如:

You had best stay here.你最好呆在这儿。

I think we had best sell it.我想我们还是把它卖掉的好。

注:had best与had better同义。

4.It’s best for sb to do sth某人最好去做某事。如:

It’s best for us to start early.我们最好早点出发。

It’s best for you to buy a dictionary.你最好买台电脑。

5.make the best of充分利用,尽量往好处做,将就用。如:

We must make the best of the fine weather.我们必须要充分利用这好天气。

The only thing to do now is to make the best of things.现在唯一的办法就是随遇而安。