1. 这孩子没到上学的年龄。

误:The boy is not enough old to go to school.

正:The boy is not old enough to go to school.

析:当enough, very much等修饰形容词或副词时,应放在形容词或副词之后。

2. 你还要别的什么吗?

误:Else what would you like?

正:What else would you like?

析:else修饰疑问词或不定代词时,应放在它们的后面,又如:Do you want anything else?

3. 请你不要打开窗户,好吗?

误:Would you not please open the window?

正:Would you please not open the window?

析: Would you please 用于委婉地提出建议、请求等。其否定形式应为: Would you please not

4. 昨天所有的学生都去了公园。

误:The all students went to the park yesterday.

正:All the students went to the park yesterday.

析:当all, both等作定语修饰名词,且名词又有the修饰时,all, both等通常放在之前。

5. 她捡起了笔,把它还给了我。

误:She picked up the pen and gave back it to me.

正:She picked up the pen and gave it back to me.


6. 你知道他什么时候回来吗?

误:Do you know when will he come back?

正:Do you know when he will come back?


7. 他会玩电脑,我也会。

误:He can use a computer. So I can.

正:He can use a computer. So can I.

析:以so或neither (nor)开头的句子,若前一句的情况适合另一个人或事物时,句子要倒装。肯定句时用so,否定句时用neighter或nor开头,助动词要与谓语动词保持一致。

