
1. 形容词:锋利的,尖锐的

当“sharp”作为形容词时,最常见的意思是“sharp-edged”,指的是物体的边缘或尖端非常尖锐,如:“The knife has a sharp blade.”(这把刀的刀片很锋利。)

2. 形容词:敏锐的,聪明的

“sharp”还可以表示人的智力或感官敏锐,如:“She has a sharp mind, able to solve complex problems quickly.”(她思维敏捷,能迅速解决复杂问题。)

3. 形容词:急剧的,突然的

在描述温度变化、声音或颜色的转变时,也可用“sharp”,如:“There was a sharp drop in temperature overnight.”(气温一夜之间骤降。)

4. 形容词:鲜明的,清晰的

用于描绘视觉或听觉上的清晰度,如:“The sound of the bell was sharp and distinct.”(钟声清晰可闻。)


1. 用于形容物理特性:

- The pencil's tip is so sharp that it can easily pierce the paper.(铅笔尖如此尖锐,很容易刺穿纸张。)

- The winter wind is sharp and biting, making us shiver.(冬风刺骨,让我们瑟瑟发抖。)

2. 描述人的特质:

- He's a sharp dresser, always wearing stylish clothes.(他是个时尚达人,总是穿着讲究。)

- With her sharp intuition, she could tell something was wrong.(凭借敏锐的直觉,她察觉到了不对劲。)

3. 表示变化或对比:

- The contrast between day and night is very sharp here.(这里昼夜的对比非常明显。)

- There was a sharp increase in sales after we launched the new product.(我们推出新产品后,销售额急剧增长。)


1. “sharp”与“keen”:

两者都可表示“敏锐的”,但“sharp”更侧重于快速理解和反应的能力,而“keen”则强调兴趣或热情,如:“He is sharp enough to catch on quickly.”(他足够聪明,能迅速理解。)“She has a keen interest in photography.”(她对摄影有着浓厚的兴趣。)

2. “sharp”与“acute”:

“sharp”在表示敏锐时,通常用于形容人的智力或感官;而“acute”则更常用于医学或物理角度,表示病症严重或角度锐利,如:“He has an acute sense of hearing.”(他的听力极其灵敏。)“The angle between the two lines is acute.”(两条线之间的夹角是锐角。)