
1. 注意力:这是“attention”最常见也是最基本的含义,指的是我们集中精神去感知、理解和处理信息的能力。例如:“In order to learn effectively, one must give full attention to the teacher during class.”(为了有效地学习,上课时必须全神贯注地听讲。)

2. 关注:当我们将“attention”用于人或事物时,表示对他们的关心或重视。例如:“The celebrity received a lot of attention from the media.”(这位名人受到了媒体的广泛关注。)


1. 引起注意:在祈使句中,"attention"常用来提醒或唤起他人的注意。例如:“Attention, please! The train is about to depart.”(请注意,火车即将发车。)

2. 请求关注:“Can I have your attention?”是一种礼貌地请求他人倾听的方式。例如:“Excuse me, can I have your attention for a moment?”(打扰一下,我能吸引一下你的注意力吗?)

3. 表达兴趣:“I pay close attention to current affairs.”表明对时事有浓厚的兴趣。例如:“She always pays attention to the smallest details in her work.”(她总是在工作中注意到最微小的细节。)


1. Focus:与“attention”相似,"focus"也指集中精力。然而,“focus”更强调目标性,常用于描述特定的目标或任务。例如:“He needs to focus on his studies if he wants to pass the exam.”(如果他想通过考试,就需要专注于学习。)

2. Concentration:与“attention”相比,“concentration”更侧重于排除干扰,全神贯注于某事。例如:“His concentration was broken by the sudden noise.”(突然的噪音打断了他的专注。)

3. Notice:虽然“notice”可以表示关注,但它更多地用于指看到、察觉到某事。例如:“Did you notice the new sign on the road?”(你注意到路上的新标志了吗?)

4. Observation:"Observation"通常用于科学研究或观察行为,强调仔细观察和记录。例如:“Her keen observation skills helped her solve the mystery.”(她敏锐的观察能力帮助她解开了谜团。)