


1. 作为形容词,"wealthy"常用来修饰人或家庭,表示他们的经济状况良好。例如:

   - "She is a wealthy businesswoman, owning several successful companies."(她是一位富裕的女企业家,拥有几家成功的公司。)

2. 在比较级和最高级形式中,"wealthier"和"wealthiest"同样表示财富的增加或最多。例如:

   - "John is wealthier than his brother, but not as wealthy as their father."(约翰比他的兄弟富裕,但不如他们的父亲富裕。)

3. “wealthy”也可以用来描述一个国家或地区的经济繁荣。例如:

   - "The city has become one of the wealthiest in the country thanks to its booming tech industry."(由于蓬勃发展的科技产业,这座城市已成为国内最富裕的城市之一。)


1. "rich":与"wealthy"相似,"rich"也表示富有。然而,"rich"的使用范围更广,除了指物质财富,还可以形容丰富的味道、色彩等。例如:“She has a rich vocabulary, making her essays captivating.”(她词汇丰富,使她的文章引人入胜。)

2. "prosperous":强调的是成功和繁荣,常用于描述一个国家、城市或商业的状态。例如:"The city has experienced a prosperous decade with a steady growth in GDP."(这个城市经历了十年的繁荣,GDP稳步增长。)

3. "affluent":这个词通常用于形容中上阶层的富裕,带有某种程度的优雅和舒适。例如:"The affluent neighborhood is known for its large, beautifully maintained homes."(这个富裕的社区以其大而保养得宜的住宅而闻名。)

4. "well-off":这个短语较为口语化,意味着生活舒适,但不一定非常富有。例如:"They are well-off, but not quite wealthy enough to be considered millionaires."(他们过得不错,但还不足以被称为百万富翁。)