
1. 强加,施加:这是“impose”最常见也是最直接的含义,指的是强制性地把某事或某种责任、规则等加诸于他人。例如:

   "The government imposed new taxes on imported goods."(政府对进口商品实施了新税。)

2. 伪造,假冒:在特定的语境中,“impose”也可以表示欺骗,假装是别人或者事物。如:

   "He tried to impose himself as the rightful heir, but his claim was rejected."(他试图冒充合法继承人,但他的主张被驳回了。)

3. 强制执行,实施:这个含义通常用于法律或政策的执行。例如:

   "The school imposed a strict dress code on all students."(学校对所有学生实行了严格的着装规定。)


1. 强加于人

   "Parents often impose their own dreams and aspirations on their children."(父母经常将自己的梦想和期望强加给孩子。)

2. 伪造

   "The impostor imposed himself as a famous artist, selling fake paintings for high prices."(那个骗子冒充著名艺术家,高价出售假画。)

3. 强制执行

   "The city council imposed a curfew during the state of emergency."(市议会在全国紧急状态期间实行了宵禁。)


1. "Dictate":尽管“dictate”也有“强加”之意,但它更侧重于以权威或力量迫使他人服从。例如:"The boss dictated the new work schedule to the employees."(老板向员工下达了新的工作时间表。)

2. "Enforce":与"impose"相似,"enforce"强调的是确保规则或法律得到遵守。如:"Police were enforcing the traffic rules strictly."(警察严格执行交通规则。)

3. "Force":"Force"在很多情况下可以替换"impose",但它通常含有更强的暴力或非自愿的意味。例如:"They forced her to sign the contract against her will."(他们强迫她违背意愿签了合同。)