"Measure" 的基本含义围绕着“量度”和“衡量”展开,既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词。当它以名词形态出现时,它指的是量化的尺寸、量度标准或者一种计量单位。例如:

- The tailor took my measure for a new suit. (裁缝给我量了尺寸,准备做一套新西装。)

- We need to use standard measures for accuracy in scientific experiments. (为了科学实验的准确性,我们需要使用标准度量衡。)

而作为一个动词时,"measure" 则意味着用工具或仪器来确定尺寸或大小。比如:

- She measured the length and width of the room to calculate its area. (她测量了房间的长度和宽度来计算它的面积。)

- Scientists measure the speed of light with advanced instruments. (科学家利用先进的仪器来测量光速。)

"Measure" 也常常被用来指代一种程度或范围,此时它带有评估和判断的色彩:

- He went to great measures to protect his family during the storm. (他在暴风雨中采取了极大的措施来保护家人。)

- The government has taken strict measures to control the spread of the virus. (政府采取了严格的控制措施来防止病毒的传播。)

当我们将目光转向同义词的辨析时,我们会发现"measure", "scale", "quantity", 和 "extent" 这几个词经常被放在一起比较。"Scale" 通常指的是相对较大的尺寸或等级,如地图上的缩放级别或事件的规模。与之相比,"measure" 更侧重于精确的数值量度。例如:

- On a small scale, the model looked perfect, but it had discrepancies when enlarged. (模型在小规模上看起来很完美,但放大后却出现了差异。)

- The measure of this cup is 250 milliliters. (这个杯子的容量是250毫升。)

"Quantity" 则强调数量的概念,而不是尺寸或程度。它用来描述有多少个单位或多少数量。比如:

- A large quantity of food was donated to the charity organization. (大量的食品被捐赠给慈善机构。)

最后,"extent" 指的是事物的范围或程度,常用来描述影响或区域的广度,而非精确测量。例如:

- The extent of the damage was not fully realized until the floodwaters receded. (直到洪水退去,破坏的程度才被完全意识到。)