


1. **基本结构**: “Forbid”通常用于“forbid sb. to do sth.”的结构中,即“禁止某人做某事”。例如:“The teacher forbade the students to talk during the exam.”(老师禁止学生在考试期间讲话。)

2. **被动语态**: 当主语是被禁止的对象时,可以用被动语态,如:“We are forbidden to smoke in the office.”(我们被禁止在办公室吸烟。)

3. **否定形式**: “Forbid”在否定句中常表示允许,即“not forbid”等于“allow”。例如:“My parents don't forbid me to stay out late, so I can go to the party.”(我的父母没有禁止我晚归,所以我可以去参加聚会。)

4. **完成时态**: 用于强调禁止行为的结果或影响,如:“The law has forbidden hunting in this area for years.”(法律多年来一直禁止在这个区域狩猎。)


1. The school forbids the use of mobile phones during class hours.(学校禁止上课时间使用手机。)

2. The doctor forbade him from eating fatty foods due to his high cholesterol levels.(医生因为他胆固醇过高而禁止他吃油腻食物。)

3. The government has forbidden the sale of alcohol in this district after 10 p.m.(政府规定晚上10点后这个区禁止售酒。)

4. She forbids herself any desserts to maintain her diet.(她为了保持饮食,禁止自己吃任何甜品。)


1. **Prohibit**: 与“forbid”非常相似,也表示“禁止”,但通常用于正式或法律上的禁止。例如:“The city prohibits parking on this street during rush hour.”(这座城市在高峰时段禁止在这条街上停车。)

2. **Ban**: 比“forbid”更强烈,通常用于正式场合或法律禁令,如:“The government has banned the import of certain goods.”(政府已经禁止了某些商品的进口。)

3. **Disallow**: 这个词在含义上接近“forbid”,但通常用于否定某项请求或提议。例如:“The committee disallowed his proposal due to lack of evidence.”(委员会因为缺乏证据而否决了他的提议。)

4. **Restrict**: 虽然“restrict”也表示限制,但它更倾向于限制范围或数量,而不是完全禁止。例如:“The library restricts the number of books one can borrow at a time.”(图书馆限制了一次能借阅的书籍数量。)