
School schedule 是一个与教育和学习密切相关的词汇,它主要指代学校或教育机构为学生制定的课程安排和时间表。这个词汇通常包括了学生每天、每周或每学期需要参加的课程、活动以及相关的时间和地点信息。通过制定合理的学校日程安排,可以帮助学生更好地管理时间,提高学习效率,并确保课程的顺利进行。


1. The school schedule for next semester has been released, and you can find it on the official website.


2. She checked her school schedule and realized that she had a conflict between her math and history classes.


3. The school schedule allows students to have a well-balanced education by including various subjects and extracurricular activities.


4. Due to the pandemic, the school has adjusted its schedule to accommodate online and in-person classes.


5. He was surprised to find that the school schedule had changed, and his favorite art class was now held on a different day.



1. Timetable

Timetable 与 school schedule 都表示时间表或日程安排,但 timetable 更常用于表示公共交通(如火车、公交车等)的时刻表。然而,在某些情况下,这两个词汇可以互换使用,尤其是在英国英语中,timetable 也常用来表示学校的课程表。


- The school timetable shows the start and end times for each class.


2. Curriculum

Curriculum 指的是学校或教育机构所提供的课程体系,包括所教授的学科、课程目标和教学方法等。与 school schedule 不同,curriculum 更侧重于课程内容和教学目标,而不是具体的时间安排。


- The new curriculum emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


3. Schedule of classes

Schedule of classes 是另一个与 school schedule 相似的词汇,它专门指代学校或教育机构为学生提供的课程时间表。这个词汇更具体地描述了课程安排,但与 school schedule 相比,没有明显的区别。


- She compared her schedule of classes with her friend's to see if they had any classes together.
