
1. 符合逻辑的:指事物或推理过程与公认的逻辑法则相一致。例如,如果A是B的一部分,那么B包含A就是符合逻辑的。

2. 有条理的:形容思维或表达方式清晰、有序,容易理解。比如,一篇论证严密的文章,其结构和论点通常是逻辑的。

3. 合乎常理的:指行为或观点基于常识或经验,符合人们普遍接受的观念。例如,认为天会下雨因为云层厚重,这是合乎常理的。


1. The detective's logical reasoning helped him solve the complex case. (侦探的逻辑推理帮助他解决了这个复杂的案件。)

2. Her argument was so logical that it was hard to refute. (她的论点如此有逻辑,很难反驳。)

3. It's logical to assume that if you study harder, your grades will improve. (假设你更加努力学习,你的成绩会提高,这是合乎逻辑的。)


1. Rational(理性的):强调基于理智和逻辑判断,而非感情或冲动。例如,“He made a rational decision, not influenced by his emotions.”(他做出了理性的决定,没有受到情绪的影响。)

2. Reasonable(合理的):除了逻辑性外,还强调公平和适度。例如,“His request for a raise was entirely reasonable given his outstanding performance.”(考虑到他的出色表现,他要求加薪是完全合理的。)

3. Coherent(连贯的):侧重于观点或论述的清晰性和一致性。例如,“The essay had a coherent structure, making it easy to follow.”(这篇论文有连贯的结构,易于理解。)

4. Sequential(顺序的):强调按照特定顺序或步骤进行。例如,“The instructions were sequential, allowing anyone to follow them without confusion.”(这些指示是按顺序排列的,任何人都可以毫无困惑地遵循。)