## 一、词汇释义



## 二、用法示例

### 1. 描述数据特征

- "The statistic shows that 70% of the population in this city prefers public transportation over private cars."


### 2. 引证研究结果

- "According to recent statistics, global warming has caused an average temperature increase of 1.1°C since pre-industrial times."


### 3. 讨论趋势和预测

- "The statistic indicates a steady decline in crime rates over the past decade."


### 4. 对比分析

- "Comparing statistics from different countries reveals significant disparities in healthcare spending."


## 三、同义词辨析

1. **Data**:数据是统计的基础,它包括所有原始观察或测量的结果,可以是定量的(如数字)或定性的(如文本描述)。数据可以被整理成统计信息,但数据本身并不包含分析或解释。

   例句:The company collected data on customer preferences for their next product launch.

2. **Fact**:事实是对客观情况的真实描述,通常可以通过观察或测量得到。虽然事实与统计数据有关,但它不涉及统计分析。

   例句:It is a fact that the unemployment rate dropped to its lowest level in a decade.

3. **Figure**:数字或数值,可以用来表示统计数据,但也可用于非统计的上下文中。在统计学中,figure通常指的是特定的数值或图表元素。

   例句:The latest figure suggests a 5% increase in sales compared to last year.

4. **Indicator**:指标通常用来表示某种趋势或状态,它可以是单一的统计数据,也可以是一组数据的集合。指标常用于监测和评估政策、经济或其他领域的表现。

   例句:GDP growth rate is often used as an economic indicator of a country's health.