### 定义

**Economic Globalization**,经济全球化,是指世界各国在经济活动中的相互联系、相互依赖程度不断加深的过程。这种过程主要表现为国际贸易的扩大、国际资本流动的增加、跨国公司的全球扩张以及全球市场的形成。经济全球化是一个复杂的现象,它涉及到政策协调、市场开放、技术转移、劳动力流动等多个方面。

### 用法例句

1. "In the era of economic globalization, international trade plays a pivotal role in driving global economic growth."(在全球化经济的时代,国际贸易在推动全球经济的增长中扮演着关键角色。)

2. "The rise of multinational corporations is a significant manifestation of economic globalization."(跨国公司的崛起是经济全球化的重要表现。)

3. "Economic globalization has led to an unprecedented level of interdependence among nations, making it crucial for countries to cooperate on issues such as climate change and financial regulation."(经济全球化导致了国家间前所未有的相互依赖,使得各国在气候变化和金融监管等问题上的合作变得至关重要。)

### 同义词辨析

#### 1. **Global Integration**


例句:"Global integration has facilitated the free flow of goods, services, and capital across borders."(全球整合促进了商品、服务和资本跨境自由流动。)

#### 2. **Internationalization**


例句:"Many emerging economies have embraced internationalization as a strategy to boost their growth and development."(许多新兴经济体已将国际化作为促进增长和发展的一种策略。)

#### 3. **Global Market**


例句:"The creation of a global market has led to increased competition, forcing companies to innovate and improve their products."(全球市场的形成加剧了竞争,迫使公司不断创新和改进产品。)

#### 4. **Interconnectedness**


例句:"The interconnectedness of today's economy means that a financial crisis in one region can quickly ripple throughout the world."(当今经济的互连性意味着一个地区的金融危机可以迅速波及全球。)