**by mistake** 是一个英语短语,通常用来表示“错误地”、“由于疏忽或误解而做某事”的意思。它强调的是行为者在无意识的情况下犯了错误。

## 释义:

- **误操作,错误地**:指无意中做了不应该做的事情,或者以错误的方式做事。

- **由于误解或疏忽**:强调行为人在做决定或行动时,并没有意识到自己的错误。

## 用法:

1. **用作状语**:常用于描述一个动作或行为是错误的,如 "I gave him the wrong book by mistake."(我误把错的书给他了。)

2. **表达后悔或纠正**:常用于表达对错误行为的后悔或在发现错误后进行纠正,如 "I sent the email to the wrong address by mistake, and now I can't recall it."(我误将邮件发到了错误的地址,现在无法撤回了。)

3. **归因于疏忽**:用于解释错误发生的原因,如 "She locked herself out of the house by mistake because she thought she had her keys in her pocket."(她误以为钥匙在口袋里,结果把自己锁在门外了。)

## 例句:

1. **误操作**:I meant to book a room for two nights, but I only booked one night by mistake.

   - 我本打算预订两晚的房间,但不小心只订了一晚。

2. **纠正错误**:After realizing my error, I apologized to her by mistake for being late.

   - 发现我的错误后,我误向她为迟到道歉。

3. **归因于疏忽**:He attributed the failure of the experiment to a miscalculation by mistake.

   - 他错误地将实验失败归咎于计算错误。

## 同义词辨析:

1. **accidentally**:与 "by mistake" 类似,表示“意外地”、“无意识地”,如 "I accidentally knocked over the vase."(我不小心打翻了花瓶。)

2. **inadvertently**:也表示“无意中”、“疏忽地”,但通常用在更正式的语境中,如 "I inadvertently left my phone at home."(我不小心把手机落在家里了。)

3. **erroneously**:侧重于强调错误本身,而不是行为者的无意,如 "The report was erroneous due to a calculation error."(报告因计算错误而有误。)

4. **unintentionally**:强调行为不是有意为之,如 "I unintentionally hurt his feelings when I made that comment."(我说那句话时无意中伤害了他的感情。)