"Charge sb. with sth." 是一个英语短语,意为“指控某人犯有某事”或“指责某人做了某事”。在法律语境中,它通常用于表示对某人提出正式的犯罪指控;而在日常生活中,它则可以用来表示对某人的批评或指责。


1. The police charged him with theft after finding evidence at the crime scene. (警方在犯罪现场找到证据后指控他盗窃。)

2. She was charged with neglecting her children due to their poor living conditions. (她因孩子们的生活条件恶劣而被指控疏忽照顾。)

3. In the meeting, the manager charged several employees with being unproductive. (在会议上,经理指责了几位员工的工作效率低下。)


1. Accuse sb. of sth.: 这个短语与 "charge sb. with sth." 意思相近,都表示对某人进行指责或指控。例如:"They accused him of lying." (他们指控他说谎。)

2. Implicate sb. in sth.: 此短语意为“使某人牵涉进某事”,通常指某人在事件中有一定的责任或参与。例如:"He was implicated in the fraud scandal." (他被卷入了欺诈丑闻。)

3. Lay blame on sb.: 这个短语强调将错误或问题归咎于某人。例如:"She laid the blame on him for the failed project." (她将项目失败的责任推到他身上。)

4. Denounce sb. for sth.: 这个短语表示公开谴责或控诉某人的行为。例如:"Many activists denounced the government for its inaction on climate change." (许多活动人士谴责政府对气候变化的无所作为。)

5. Allege that sb. did sth.: 这个表达用于指出某人声称或断言某人做了某事,不一定涉及正式的指控。例如:"They alleged that he stole from the company." (他们声称他从公司偷窃。)

虽然这些短语在含义上有所重叠,但它们在语境和强度上有所不同。"Charge sb. with sth." 更倾向于正式的法律指控或强烈的指责,而其他短语则可能适用于更广泛的场合和不同程度的指责。在使用时,需要根据具体情境选择合适的表达。