"Come out of sth. alive" 是一个英语短语,意指在某个艰难、危险或具有挑战性的情况中幸存下来,或者成功地从某个经历中全身而退。这个短语通常用来描述一个人在面临生死关头或者严重困境时,仍然保持生命或者未受重伤。

## 用法

1. **结构**:此短语由动词短语 "come out of" 和形容词 "alive" 组成。"Come out of" 指的是从某个状态、情境或事件中出来,"alive" 则强调了生存的状态。

2. **语境**:这个短语通常用于描述一个紧张、危机四伏的情境,如事故、灾难、战争或其他危险的处境。

3. **情感色彩**:这个短语带有庆幸和幸存者的喜悦,也暗示了对困难的克服和挑战的胜利。

## 例句

1. After the earthquake, it was a miracle that anyone came out of the collapsed building alive.



2. He came out of the fierce battle alive but with several bullet wounds.


3. The adventurer came out of the jungle alive after being lost for a week, much to everyone's relief.


4. Surviving a plane crash, she came out of the experience alive but emotionally scarred.


## 同义词辨析

1. **Escape with one's life**:与 "come out of sth. alive" 类似,指的是从危险中幸免于难。

   Example: She managed to escape with her life from the burning house.


2. **Survive sth.**:表示在某个事件或情况下存活下来。

   Example: Despite the harsh conditions, he survived the winter in the wilderness.


3. **Make it through sth.**:这个短语强调成功地度过或完成某个困难的过程。

   Example: They made it through the stormy night, and all were safe.


4. **Come out unscathed**:意味着在某种情况中没有受到伤害或损失。

   Example: The child came out unscathed from the car accident.
