**Content with** - 满意,满足


"Content with" 是一个短语,表示对某事或某状态感到满意或满足。它强调的是内心的平静和对当前状况的认可,不寻求进一步的改变或提升。


1. 形容词短语形式:通常用来描述人的情感状态,如 "He is content with his job."(他对他的工作很满意。)

2. 介词短语形式:用于表达对某事物的满足,如 "She is content with the simple life."(她对简朴的生活感到满足。)

3. 短语动词:"to be content with doing sth." 表示满足于做某事,如 "They are content with spending their weekends at home."(他们满足于在家度过周末。)


1. After years of hard work, she was finally content with her accomplishments.(经过多年的努力,她终于对自己的成就感到满意。)

2. The child seemed content with just a toy car to play with.(这个孩子似乎只有一辆玩具车玩就心满意足了。)

3. He's content with his current salary, but wouldn't mind a raise.(他对自己目前的薪水感到满意,但也不反对加薪。)


1. **Satisfied** - 强调完成或达到期望的结果后的满足感,如 "She was satisfied with the outcome of the project."(她对项目的成果感到满意。)

2. **Pleased** - 表示对某事感到高兴或满意,但不一定涉及期望的达成,如 "I'm pleased with the service at this restaurant."(我对这家餐厅的服务感到满意。)

3. **Gratified** - 带有因个人成就或认可而产生的满足感,如 "He was greatly gratified by the praise from his mentor."(他从导师的赞扬中得到了极大的满足。)

4. **Contented** - 与"content"相似,强调内心的宁静和满足,如 "The old man lived a contented life in the countryside."(那位老人在乡村过着满足的生活。)