**Count One's Chickens Before They Are Hatched**




It is an English proverb that originates from the life of farmers, meaning "to be overly optimistic or to overestimate something before it has happened." It cautions against counting on positive outcomes before they are assured, as doing so can lead to disappointment. In other words, it advises against counting the number of chicks before the eggs have hatched, since not all eggs will successfully incubate.


1. 在商业决策中,我们不应"count our chickens before they're hatched",而应充分评估风险和潜在的损失。

   - In business decisions, we should not count our chickens before they're hatched but should adequately assess risks and potential losses.

2. 她已经计划好了升职后的庆祝派对,但她忘记了"counting one's chickens before they are hatched"可能带来的尴尬。

   - She had already planned a promotion party, but she overlooked the embarrassment that comes with counting one's chickens before they are hatched.

3. 他在面试后就开始规划新生活,但他的朋友提醒他别"count his chickens before they hatch".

   - He started planning his new life after the interview, but his friend reminded him not to count his chickens before they hatch.

4. 虽然我们希望所有申请者都能接受录取,但我们必须记住,"don't count your chickens before they're hatched".

   - While we hope all applicants will accept their offers, we must remember not to count our chickens before they're hatched.


1. **Jump the gun**: 这个短语意味着在适当的时候之前采取行动或做出结论。例如:"He jumped the gun by announcing the winner before the votes were counted."

2. **Get ahead of oneself**: 这个短语用来描述一个人过于自信或乐观,忽视了实际的步骤或困难。例如:"She got ahead of herself when she assumed she'd win the competition."

3. **Premature optimism**: 这个术语直接表达了在事情确定之前过度乐观的态度。例如:"Premature optimism about the economy could lead to risky investments."

4. **Count one's blessings**: 虽然这个短语与"count one's chickens before they are hatched"相反,它鼓励人们感恩已有的事物,而不是期待未发生的事情。例如:"Instead of counting your chickens, why not count your blessings?"