**cut down on**


1. 减少;削减:这个短语表示减少某个事物的数量或频率,通常用于指节省资源、控制消费或者降低某种行为的程度。

2. 砍倒;砍伐:在物理意义上,指将树木或其他植物砍倒。


1. To cut down on expenses, we decided to cook at home more often instead of eating out. (为了减少开支,我们决定更多地在家做饭而不是外出就餐。)

2. The company is cutting down on its carbon emissions by using renewable energy sources. (公司正在通过使用可再生能源来减少碳排放。)

3. The forester had to cut down the diseased tree to prevent the spread of infection to others. (林务员不得不砍倒那棵病树以防止疾病扩散到其他树木。)


1. **reduce**: 与 "cut down on" 同义,表示减少或降低。例如:We need to reduce our water consumption in drought-prone areas. (我们需要在易干旱地区减少用水。)

2. **trim**: 在某些语境下与 "cut down on" 相似,尤其当涉及到减少数量或规模时。例如:The manager trimmed the staff to streamline operations. (经理裁员以简化运营。)

3. **scale back**: 这个短语通常用于形容大规模的减缩或缩减。例如:Due to financial difficulties, the company had to scale back its expansion plans. (由于财务困难,公司不得不缩减其扩张计划。)

4. **curtail**: 强调突然或强制性的减少。例如:The government curtailed the use of plastic bags to protect the environment. (政府限制了塑料袋的使用以保护环境。)