"Easier said than done" 是一句英语谚语,意指某事在谈论或建议时听起来简单,但在实际行动中却往往复杂困难得多。这句话用来强调理论与实践之间的差距,提醒人们不要轻视行动的难度。


1. 通常作为独立的句子或短语使用,用于回应一个看似简单的建议或计划。

2. 可以放在句首或句中,以表达对某项任务实际执行难度的评论。


1. "Just relax and enjoy the party," she said, but it's easier said than done when you're the center of attention.


2. Losing weight is always easier said than done; it requires discipline and perseverance.


3. It's easier said than done to maintain a work-life balance when your job demands long hours.



1. **Talk is cheap**: 这个短语意味着空谈是不值钱的,强调实际行动的重要性。例如:"He keeps talking about starting his own business, but talk is cheap – he hasn't even made a plan yet."

2. **In theory, not in practice**: 这个表达用于区分理论上的可行性与实际操作中的困难。例如:"In theory, the project sounds great, but in practice, there are numerous obstacles to overcome."

3. **More easily imagined than accomplished**: 此短语强调某事在想象中比实际完成要简单得多。例如:"Building a house from scratch may seem more easily imagined than accomplished for those without construction experience."

4. **Deceptively simple**: 表示看似简单但实际上复杂。例如:"The math problem looks deceptively simple, but it takes a deep understanding of algebra to solve it."

5. **The proof of the pudding is in the eating**: 这个短语意味着真正的价值或结果只能通过实际行动来验证。例如:"The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so let's see how well the new marketing strategy works before we celebrate."