"To prepare for the examination" 是一个常见的英语短语,意指为了即将到来的考试而做准备。这个短语通常用于描述一系列的学习、复习或练习活动,以确保在考试中取得好成绩。


1. "I have to start preparing for the examination early to ensure I cover all the topics."


2. "She spends every evening studying, diligently preparing for the examination."


3. "The teacher recommended we practice past papers to better prepare for the examination."


## 同义词辨析:

### 1. "Study for"

"Study for" 与 "prepare for the examination" 意思相近,主要强调学习和复习的过程。例如:

"I need to study for the math exam thoroughly."(我需要彻底复习数学考试。)

### 2. "Get ready for"

"Get ready for" 更具通用性,不仅适用于考试,还可以用于其他类型的准备。例如:

"I'm getting ready for my job interview by practicing my answers."(我通过练习答案来准备面试。)

### 3. "Cram for"

"Cram for" 指的是短时间内大量学习,通常带有临时抱佛脚的意味。例如:

"He's cramming for the history test tonight, hoping to remember everything by morning."(他今晚正在突击复习历史,希望早上能记住所有内容。)

### 4. "Revise for"

"Revise for" 在英式英语中更常见,与 "prepare for the examination" 类似,指的是复习课程内容。例如:

"I'm revising my notes to refresh my memory before the chemistry exam."(我在复习笔记,以在化学考试前唤醒记忆。)