**to be listless** 是一个英语短语动词,形容人或物缺乏活力、无精打采、提不起兴趣的状态。它源自英语单词 "listless",该词源于古英语 "lis",意为“愉快”或“快乐”,在否定形式中表示“不愉快”或“无趣”。当描述一个人或情境时,"listless" 表示缺乏动力、积极性或热情。

### 1. 释义

- **形容词用法**: Listless 意味着没有活力或动力,失去兴趣或热情。

- **动词用法**: To be listless 表示处于一种无精打采、无动于衷的状态,对周围的事物缺乏兴趣或参与度。

### 2. 用法例句

- **形容词用法**

  - The rainy day made the garden look listless and dull. (阴雨天让花园显得无精打采且黯淡无光。)

  - After a long week at work, I felt completely listless and didn't want to do anything.(工作了一周后,我感到完全提不起精神,什么也不想做。)

- **动词用法**

  - She was listless throughout the meeting, showing no interest in the discussion.(她在整个会议中都无精打采,对讨论内容毫无兴趣。)

  - The children were listless after spending hours indoors due to the rain.(因为下雨,孩子们在室内待了几个小时后变得无精打采。)

### 3. 同义词辨析

- **Bored**: 表示由于缺乏刺激或娱乐而感到厌倦或无聊。例如: "The children got bored with the same old games."

- **Lethargic**: 强调身体或精神上的懒散、无力。例如: "After a heavy meal, he felt lethargic and wanted to sleep."

- **Disinterested**: 指对某事漠不关心或没有个人利害关系。例如: "She remained disinterested in the political debate."

- **Indolent**: 描述不愿意做任何努力或劳动的状态。例如: "His indolent attitude frustrated his employer."

- **Apathetic**: 指对事情缺乏情感反应或关心。例如: "The public's apathetic response to the campaign was disappointing."

这些同义词虽然在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们各自强调的侧重点不同。"Listless" 更多地侧重于缺乏活力和动力,而其他词可能更倾向于无聊、懒散或漠不关心等不同的情绪状态。