"Angry with sb. at/about sth." 是一个英语短语,用来表达某人因为某事对另一个人感到愤怒或不满。这里的 "angry" 表示生气、愤怒的情绪,"with sb." 指出对象是某人,"at/about sth." 则强调生气的原因。


1. 当我们使用 "angry with sb. at/about sth." 时,通常是在描述一种情感状态,即对某人的行为或决定感到不满或愤怒。

2. "At" 常用于表示具体的事件或行为,而 "about" 则可以指更抽象或普遍的情况。

3. 这个短语可以用来描述即时的情绪反应,也可以描述持续的不满情绪。


1. I'm angry with my roommate at his constant noise, especially when I'm trying to study. (我对我的室友因为他不断的噪音感到生气,尤其是我在学习的时候。)

2. She was angry with her boss about not getting a promotion despite her hard work. (她因为没有得到晋升,尽管她工作很努力,对她的老板感到生气。)

3. He's been angry with his friend for weeks over a broken promise. (他因为朋友违背了承诺,已经生了好几个星期的气。)


1. **Mad at sb. about sth.:** 这个短语与 "angry with sb. at/about sth." 同义,也表示因某事对某人生气。例如:I'm mad at you for forgetting our anniversary. (我因为你忘记了我们的纪念日而对你生气。)

2. **Furious with sb. about sth.:** "Furious" 比 "angry" 更强烈,表示极度的愤怒。例如:She was furious with the airline for losing her luggage. (她因为航空公司弄丢了她的行李而非常愤怒。)

3. **Upset with sb. about sth.:** "Upset" 意味着不开心或困扰,语气相对较轻。例如:I'm upset with you for not telling me the truth. (你没告诉我真相,我很不高兴。)

4. **Displeased with sb. at/about sth.:** "Displeased" 表示不满,语气比 "angry" 更正式。例如:The manager was displeased with the employee's tardiness. (经理对员工的迟到感到不满。)