## 1. Smile(微笑)



- She smiled at him, revealing her perfect teeth. (她对他微笑,露出了完美的牙齿。)

- A warm smile can often break the ice in social situations. (温暖的微笑常能在社交场合中打破僵局。)

## 2. Laugh(大笑)



- The comedian's joke made everyone laugh out loud. (喜剧演员的笑话让大家都捧腹大笑。)

- Hearing the funny story, she couldn't help but laugh. (听到这个有趣的故事,她忍不住大笑起来。)

## 3. Grin(咧嘴笑)



- He grinned from ear to ear after hearing the good news. (听到好消息后,他开心地咧嘴笑了。)

- His grin was so wide that it showed all his crooked teeth. (他的笑容如此灿烂,以至于露出了所有的歪牙。)

## 4. Chuckle(轻笑)



- He chuckled softly at the witty remark. (他对机智的评论轻声笑了。)

- She couldn't help but chuckle at the silly joke. (听到那个愚蠢的笑话,她忍不住轻笑起来。)

## 5. Giggle(咯咯笑)



- The little girl giggled uncontrollably at the puppet show. (小女孩看着木偶戏,忍不住咯咯笑个不停。)

- She giggled when he tickled her. (他挠她痒痒时,她咯咯笑了起来。)

## 6. Snicker(窃笑)



- They snickered behind his back when he tripped over his own feet. (当他绊倒自己的脚时,他们在背后窃笑。)

- He tried to hide his snicker, but it was obvious he found the situation amusing. (他试图掩饰自己的窃笑,但显然他觉得这个情况很有趣。)

## 7. Simper(傻笑)



- She simpered at the handsome stranger, hoping to catch his attention. (她对那个英俊的陌生人傻笑,希望能引起他的注意。)

- The actor simpered on stage, trying to win over the audience. (演员在舞台上傻笑,试图赢得观众的喜爱。)

## 8. Smirk(冷笑洋洋地笑)



- He smirked at her failure, showing no sympathy. (他对她的失败冷笑,没有表现出任何同情。)

- She smirked when she saw him struggle with the task. (看到他在任务中挣扎时,她冷笑了一下。)

## 9. Titter(轻蔑的笑声)



- The crowd tittered at the poor performance. (观众对糟糕的表演发出了轻蔑的笑声。)

- The students tittered when the teacher made a grammatical error. (当老师犯了语法错误时,学生们发出了轻蔑的笑声。)

## 嘲笑相关词汇:

### 10. Taunt(嘲讽)



- He taunted his opponent with cruel words. (他用残忍的话语嘲讽对手。)

- The bully taunted the smaller child about his glasses. (那个恶霸嘲笑那个戴眼镜的小孩。)

### 11. Ridicule(嘲笑)



- They ridiculed his idea, dismissing it as absurd. (他们嘲笑他的想法,认为它荒谬不堪。)

- The comedian ridiculed politicians in his stand-up routine. (喜剧演员在他的单口相声中嘲笑政客。)

### 12. Deride(讥笑)



- The critics derided the film as a shallow attempt at entertainment. (评论家们嘲笑这部电影是肤浅的娱乐尝试。)

- They derided his efforts, saying they were pointless. (他们嘲笑他的努力,说这些都是徒劳的。)

### 13. Mock(模仿/嘲笑)



- The children mockingly imitated their teacher's accent. (孩子们模仿老师的口音来嘲笑他。)

- He was hurt by their mocking laughter. (他们的嘲笑让他感到受伤。)

### 14. Twit(嘲笑)



- She twitted him for being late again. (她嘲笑他又迟到了。)

- His friends twitted him about his choice of outfit. (他的朋友们嘲笑他的着装选择。)

### 15. Scoff(嘲笑)



- He scoffed at the suggestion, considering it ridiculous. (他嘲笑这个建议,认为它荒谬无比。)

- They scoffed at the idea, saying it would never work. (他们嘲笑这个想法,说它永远不会奏效。)

### 16. Chaff(戏谑)



- The team members chaffed each other before the match. (比赛前,队员们互相开开玩笑。)

- He took her chaff in good humor, not getting offended. (他欣然接受她的戏谑,没有生气。)

### 17. Jeer(嘘声/嘲笑)



- The crowd jeered the losing team off the field. (观众对失败的队伍发出嘘声。)

- The politician was met with jeers when he proposed the unpopular policy. (当政客提出不受欢迎的政策时,他遭到了嘲笑。)

### 18. Gibe(讽刺)



- She shot him a gibe about his outdated fashion sense. (她用一句讽刺的话挖苦他的过时品味。)

- The gibe cut deep, leaving him feeling embarrassed. (这句讽刺话深深地刺痛了他,让他感到尴尬。)

### 19. Sneer(冷笑)



- He sneered at her accomplishment, showing no respect. (他对她的成就嗤之以鼻,没有表现出任何尊重。)

- The nobleman sneered at the common folk. (贵族对平民冷笑道。)

### 20. Joke(玩笑)



- He cracked a joke to lighten the mood. (他说了个笑话来缓和气氛。)

- The comedian's jokes had the audience in stitches. (喜剧演员的笑话逗得观众捧腹大笑。)

### 21. Jest(戏言)



- The jest was so clever that no one realized it was a joke. (这个戏言太巧妙了,以至于没人意识到这是个玩笑。)

- The king's jests were often laced with hidden meanings. (国王的戏言常常含有隐含的意思。)

### 22. Banter(调侃)



- The friends engaged in friendly banter during dinner. (朋友们在晚餐时互相调侃。)

- Their banter was a sign of their close relationship. (他们的调侃显示出他们亲密的关系。)

### 23. Scorn(蔑视)



- She scorned his suggestion, considering it beneath her. (她鄙视他的建议,认为这不值得她考虑。)