"What about..." 是一个英语短语,用于提出建议、询问意见或引出新的话题。它在口语和书面语中都非常常见,相当于汉语中的“怎么样?”或“如何?”。


1. 提出建议:当你想提出一个想法或建议时,可以使用 "What about..."。例如,"What about going to the movies tonight?"(今晚去看电影怎么样?)

2. 询问意见:当你想要知道别人对某个事物的看法时,也可以使用此短语。例如,"What about this dress for the party?"(这件裙子参加派对怎么样?)

3. 引出新话题:在对话中,如果你想切换到另一个话题,"What about..." 也是一个很好的引导词。例如,"We've talked a lot about work. What about your hobbies?"(我们已经聊了很多工作的事,说说你的爱好吧。)


1. What about having a picnic in the park on Saturday? (周六在公园野餐怎么样?)

2. What about those new books you mentioned? Are they worth reading? (你提到的那些新书怎么样?值得一读吗?)

3. What about trying Italian food for dinner instead of Chinese? (晚餐改吃意大利菜而不是中餐如何?)


- How about...?:与"What about..." 意思相同,用法也几乎一致,更常用于非正式场合。

- How would you feel about...? / What do you think of...?:这两个短语在询问对方观点或建议时更为正式,语气较"What about..." 和 "How about..." 稍显委婉。