"Absent from" 是一个英语短语,表示“不在(某处)”,“缺席”,或者“未出席”的意思。它通常用来描述一个人、物体或情况没有在特定的时间或地点出现。这个短语可以用于多种情境,包括物理上的不在场,如人没来学校或会议,或者抽象的缺席,如情感或注意力的缺失。


1. **物理上的缺席**

   - John was absent from the meeting yesterday, so we had to reschedule it for next week.


2. **情感或心理上的缺席**

   - Despite being physically present, her mind seemed absent from the conversation, lost in thought.


3. **事件或活动的缺席**

   - The team's star player was absent from the game due to an injury, which greatly affected their performance.


4. **抽象概念的缺席**

   - Love and compassion were absent from his actions, leaving only coldness and indifference.



- **Missing** - 强调丢失或找不到,也可以指人或物不在预期的地方。例如:The key is missing; I can't find it anywhere.(钥匙不见了,我到处都找不到。)


- **Absent** - 通常用于正式场合,如学校、工作或会议的缺席。例如:She was absent from school due to illness.(她因病缺席了学校。)

- **Not Present** - 更直接地表达“不在场”。例如:He was not present at the ceremony.(他没有出席典礼。)

- **Away** - 指离开某个地方,可能是因为旅行、度假等原因。例如:She's away on a business trip this week.(这周她外出出差了。)

- **No Show** - 通常用于形容预定的事件或约会中,某人没有出现。例如:Despite having a reservation, he was a no show at the restaurant.(尽管预定了位置,他还是没来餐厅。)