"Take action" 是一个英语短语,意指开始采取措施、着手做某事或做出决定以解决问题或实现目标。这个短语强调的是积极主动的行为,通常用于鼓励、建议或描述某人对特定情况的响应。


1. 开始行动:决定并开始执行计划或策略。

2. 采取措施:对某个问题或挑战做出反应,通过实施具体的步骤来解决。

3. 做出决策:在面对选择时,选择一条路径并付诸实践。


1. To combat climate change, we must all take action to reduce our carbon footprint.(为了对抗气候变化,我们必须都采取行动减少我们的碳足迹。)

2. Seeing the urgency of the situation, the government decided to take action immediately.(看到形势的紧迫性,政府决定立即采取行动。)

3. Instead of complaining about the problem, why don't you take action and find a solution?(与其抱怨问题,为何不采取行动找到解决方案呢?)


1. **Initiate**: 意为开始或启动某事,强调从零开始的过程。

   - Example: The company initiated a new project to improve customer satisfaction.

2. **Act**: 强调实际的行动或表演,可以指具体的行为或表演艺术。

   - Example: She acted quickly to save the drowning child.

3. **Implement**: 指将计划、政策或策略付诸实践,通常用于更正式或组织的环境。

   - Example: The school has implemented a new curriculum to enhance students' critical thinking skills.

4. **Undertake**: 通常用于承诺或承担某项任务或责任。

   - Example: He undertook the responsibility to organize the fundraising event.

5. **Move**: 在某些语境下,"move" 可以表示采取行动,尤其是在口语中。

   - Example: It's time to move; let's get started on the project.