“Long, long ago”是一个英语短语,用来描述发生在遥远过去的事件,通常带有故事或传说的色彩。它强调了时间的久远,带有一种怀旧或神秘的氛围。这个表达在叙述历史事件、童话故事或者回忆旧时光时尤为常见。


1. A phrase used to refer to events that occurred in the distant past, often with a nostalgic or storytelling tone.

2. Implies a significant amount of time has passed since the event.


1. 用于指代发生在很久以前的事情,常带有怀旧或讲述故事的语气。

2. 表示自那件事发生以来已经过去了很长时间。


1. **Long, long ago**, in a kingdom far away, there lived a beautiful princess. (很久很久以前,在一个遥远的王国里,住着一位美丽的公主。)

2. Our ancestors believed that the world was created **long, long ago**. (我们的祖先认为这个世界是在很久很久以前创造的。)

3. She would often tell us stories about her childhood, **long, long ago** when life was simpler. (她常常给我们讲她小时候的故事,那时的生活还很简单。)


1. **Ages ago**: 也表示过去很久的时间,但可能没有“long, long ago”那么强烈的叙事感。例如: "We last spoke ages ago." (我们上次交谈已经是很久以前的事了。)

2. **In the old days**: 强调的是过去某个特定时期的状况,而不是纯粹的时间久远。例如: "In the old days, people wrote letters instead of sending emails." (在过去,人们写信而不是发电子邮件。)

3. **Way back when**: 带有口语化和非正式的意味,通常用于轻松的对话中。例如: "Remember that funny incident? That was way back when we were in college." (还记得那个搞笑的事情吗?那是我们还在大学的时候。)

4. **Once upon a time**: 这个短语常用于童话故事的开头,暗示一个富有想象力的、遥远的过去。例如: "Once upon a time, there was a magical forest filled with talking animals." (从前,有一个充满会说话动物的神奇森林。)