"Agree to do something" 是一个英语短语,表示同意或愿意做某事。在这个表达中,"agree" 是动词,意为“同意”,而 "to do something" 是不定式短语,作为 "agree" 的宾语,指明了同意的具体行动或事项。


基本结构是:主语 + agree + (to) + 动词原形 + 其他成分


1. She agreed to meet me at the café tomorrow morning. (她同意明天早上在咖啡馆见我。)

2. They all agreed to contribute to the project. (他们都同意为这个项目贡献。)

3. The company agreed to reduce the working hours for its employees. (公司同意减少员工的工作时间。)


1. **Consent to do something**: 这个短语也表示同意或允许做某事,但通常用于更正式或法律性的语境。

   例句:The parents consented to their daughter's marriage. (父母同意了女儿的婚事。)

2. **Promise to do something**: 表示承诺或保证做某事,强调的是未来会采取的行动,而不仅仅是同意。

   例句:I promised to help her with her homework. (我答应帮她做作业。)

3. **Commit to doing something**: 意味着决定并致力于做某事,通常涉及长期或严肃的承诺。

   例句:He committed to studying abroad for his graduate degree. (他决定出国攻读研究生学位。)

4. **Vow to do something**: 强调发誓或庄严承诺做某事,通常与个人决心或重要决定相关。

   例句:She vowed to lose weight and improve her health. (她发誓要减肥并改善健康状况。)