## 1. 句子释义

"All in all" 是一个英语短语,通常用来总结或概括前面提到的观点、情况或一系列事物。它表示“总的来说”、“总而言之”或“综合考虑所有因素”。这个短语强调在考虑了所有相关因素后得出的总体结论或总体印象。

## 2. 用法示例

### 例句1:

"After considering the pros and cons, all in all, I believe it's a wise decision to invest in this project." (在权衡了利弊之后,总的来说,我认为投资这个项目是个明智的选择。)

### 例句2:

"The vacation had its ups and downs, but all in all, we had a great time together as a family." (假期有起有伏,但总的来说,我们全家在一起度过了一段美好的时光。)

### 例句3:

"The new policy has its critics, but all in all, it should lead to a more efficient workplace." (新政策有些批评,但总的来说,它应该会带来更高效的工作环境。)

## 3. 同义词辨析

- **Overall**: 这个词也常用来总结或概括,例如:"Overall, the performance was impressive." (总的来说,这场表演令人印象深刻。) 与 "all in all" 相比,"overall" 更侧重于对整体的评估,而不仅仅是结论。

- **In conclusion**: 这是一个更正式的表达,常用于学术或正式的写作中,表示对论述的总结,例如:"In conclusion, the study demonstrated a strong correlation between exercise and mental health." (总之,这项研究显示运动与心理健康之间存在强烈的相关性。)

- **Taking everything into account**: 这个短语强调在做决定或得出结论时考虑了所有相关因素,例如:"Taking everything into account, the company decided to expand its operations." (考虑到所有因素,公司决定扩大业务。)

- **On the whole**: 这个短语同样用于总结,表示总体上或大体上的看法,例如:"On the whole, the movie was entertaining, despite a few slow moments." (总的来说,尽管有些慢节奏的时刻,这部电影还是挺娱乐的。)