在英语中,“be angry at / with sb about / for sth”是一个表达愤怒或不满的短语,用于描述对某人因为某事而生气的情况。这个短语有三个关键部分:主语(who is angry)、宾语(who the anger is directed towards)以及原因(the reason for the anger)。让我们逐一解析这三个部分。

1. **be angry**:这是动词短语的核心,表示“感到生气”或“愤怒”的状态。

2. **at / with sb**:这部分指明了愤怒的对象。"at"和"with"在这两个位置上通常可以互换使用,但有些微妙的区别。"At"强调的是愤怒的直接目标,而"with"更侧重于情感上的互动,即与某人产生了愤怒的情感联系。

3. **about / for sth**:这部分说明了愤怒的原因。"About"通常用来谈论抽象的原因,如行为或态度;"for"则常用于具体的行为或事件。


- I'm angry at my roommate for not cleaning up after himself. (我对我的室友因为他不收拾自己弄乱的东西而生气。)

- She was angry with her boss about the unfair treatment. (她对老板的不公平待遇感到生气。)

- He was very angry at his friend for cancelling their plans at the last minute. (他非常生气,因为他的朋友在最后一刻取消了他们的计划。)



1. **get / be mad at / with sb**:与"be angry"相似,"mad"也表示生气或愤怒。例如:"I got mad at him for forgetting our anniversary."(我因为他忘记我们的纪念日而对他发火。)

2. **be annoyed by / with sb**:这个短语表达的愤怒程度通常比"angry"或"mad"轻一些,更倾向于轻微的不满或烦躁。例如:"She's annoyed by her neighbor's constant noise."(她对邻居持续的噪音感到烦躁。)

3. **be furious with sb**:"furious"比"angry"更强烈,表示极度的愤怒。例如:"He was furious with the customer service representative for their unhelpful response."(他对客服代表无用的回应感到非常愤怒。)

4. **be cross with sb**:这个表达在口语中较常用,尤其是在英国英语中,表示轻微的生气。例如:"She's cross with me for being late."(她因为我迟到而生我的气。)