“Bite the bullet” 是一个英语习语,源自旧时手术中的一种实践。在没有现代麻醉剂的年代,医生会让病人咬住一颗子弹以忍受手术时的痛苦。这个短语现在用来形容面对或忍受困难、不愉快或痛苦的情况,尽管内心可能感到恐惧或不安,但还是选择勇敢地去面对。


- To face or endure a difficult, unpleasant, or painful situation with courage or determination, especially in spite of fear or anxiety.


1. "Knowing how tough the training would be, she decided to bite the bullet and join the marathon."


2. "When the recession hit, the company had to bite the bullet and lay off some employees."


3. "It's time to bite the bullet and have that difficult conversation with your partner about finances."


4. "Despite the initial discomfort, you'll have to bite the bullet and learn a new language for your job."



1. **Face the music:** 也表示面对不愉快的结果或承担后果。与“bite the bullet”相似,它强调在犯错后接受责任或面对困难。

   例句:"After skipping classes for weeks, he finally had to face the music and meet with the principal."


2. **Grin and bear it:** 这个短语意味着接受并忍受不愉快的事情,即使心中不满。

   例句:"She knew the project was going to be boring, but she decided to grin and bear it for the sake of her career."


3. **Take it on the chin:** 意味着接受不愉快的事情,尤其是当事情出乎意料或不公平时,保持冷静和坚韧。

   例句:"When he was unexpectedly laid off, he took it on the chin and immediately started looking for a new job."


4. **Endure the hardship:** 直接描述忍受艰难困苦,强调的是坚持和毅力。

   例句:"The soldiers had to endure the harsh winter conditions in the mountains."
