"Blow up in your face" 是一个英语习语,通常用来描述一个计划、行动或情况突然以意想不到的负面方式爆发,导致原本的期望或预测完全落空,甚至产生严重的后果。这个短语常用于描绘因为失误、误解或不可预见的情况而导致的结果。


"Blow up" 在这里并不是指物理上的爆炸,而是比喻性的,意味着事情的发展与预期截然相反,结果往往是尴尬、灾难性的或者是令人震惊的。"In your face" 则强调这种结果直接且明显地影响到了当事人,让人无法忽视。


1. 作为动词短语,"blow up in one's face" 可以用来描述一个事件或决定的结果,通常是不好的。

2. 这个短语常常用于讲述过去发生的事情,但也可用于对未来的预测,表达一种担忧或警告。


1. His plan to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday blew up in his face when she found out about it from a friend.


2. The politician's attempt to cover up the scandal blew up in his face when the media uncovered more evidence.


3. I warned him that trying to cheat on the exam would blow up in his face, but he didn't listen, and now he's suspended.



1. Backfire: 这个词也表示计划或行动产生与预期相反的结果。例如:"His strategy backfired, causing more harm than good."(他的策略适得其反,造成了更多的伤害。)

2. Boom back: 这个短语更强调负面后果的迅速和强烈。例如:"Her harsh words boomed back at her when her friends turned against her."(她尖刻的话反弹回来,朋友们都开始反对她。)

3. Bite the hand that feeds you: 这个习语形容恩将仇报的行为结果。例如:"Refusing to appreciate your supporters will only bite the hand that feeds you."(不感激支持者只会让他们反咬一口。)

以上这些短语虽然在含义上有相似之处,但"blow up in your face" 更侧重于结果的戏剧性和出乎意料性,而其他选项则可能强调不同的方面,如后果的速度、强度或不忠。在使用时,应根据具体情境选择最合适的表达。