"Break the ice" 是一个英语习语,源于航海术语,意指破冰船破开冰层以开辟航道。在日常交流中,"break the ice" 指的是在社交场合或初次见面时采取行动打破尴尬的沉默,使人们能够更轻松地开始交谈。这个表达通常用于描述开启对话、缓解紧张气氛或者建立初步联系的行为。

## 用法例句

1. At the beginning of the meeting, our team leader told a joke to break the ice and make everyone feel more comfortable.


2. When I arrived at the party, I didn't know anyone, so I started a conversation about the music playing to break the ice.


3. During the job interview, the interviewer asked me about my hobbies as a way to break the ice before discussing my qualifications.


4. In international negotiations, it's crucial to break the ice with small talk before diving into serious topics.


## 同义词辨析

1. **Ease the tension**:这个短语与"break the ice"相似,都指减轻或消除紧张气氛。例如:

   - The comedian's performance helped ease the tension in the room.


2. **Warm up the crowd**: 通常用于描述在公共演讲、表演或活动中让观众或参与者变得活跃起来的过程。例如:

   - Before the main act, the DJ played some upbeat music to warm up the crowd.


3. **Open the conversation**: 这个表达强调开启对话或启动讨论。例如:

   - To open the conversation, she asked about everyone's weekend plans.


4. **Break the silence**: 直译为“打破沉默”,通常用于描述在长时间安静后开始说话的情况。例如:

   - After a long awkward pause, he finally broke the silence with a question.
