

She is my classmate.

My classmate is clever.

She is my classmate who is clever.

先行词 关系词


关系代词:that, which , who , whom , whose

关系副词:when, where , why, what



I have a book which comes from my father.

分析:用来修饰的从句,就是定语从句,从这里我们能看出which comes from my father是用来修饰book的,所以是定语从句,而book就是被修饰的先行词。

Do you know the man who spoke at the meetingjust now?

分析:可以通过找关系词的方法去找定语从句,这里关系词是who,而且通过理解句子我们发现who spoke at the meeting just now就是用来形容the man的,所以是定语从句,而the man是被修饰的先行词。

It was ameeting whose importance I did not realized at that time.

分析:主句是It was a meeting,意思是“这是一个会议”,是什么样的一种会议呢?就是后面的whose importance I did not realized at that time,即“在那时我没有意识到重要性的会议”,用来形容和修饰会议了,所以是定语从句。我们会发现,定语从句就跟形容词一样,只不过以从句的形式来体现。Whose表示“谁的”,既可以指人的,也可以指物的,所以这里可以用。

He is no longer the man that he used to be.

分析:这句话主句是He is no longer the man,即“他不再是这个人了”,什么样的呢?就是后面定语从句的内容,“他之前的样子”。that在定语从句里充当了表语成分,定语从句其实是he used to be that的结构,thatbe动词后面的表语。在这里,我们还可以发现that在定语从句里可以指人,这点和which不一样,which只能指物。再者,that在名词性从句里不作成分,这些区别要注意。

I still remember the date when Taylor was born.

分析:这句话主句是I still remember the date,即“我仍然记得那个日子”,什么样的日子呢?就是后面的定语从句“when Taylor was born”,when属于关系副词,关系副词还有wherewhy,它们在定语从句里都不充当成分,这点要注意。



1.At that time, young Edward was beginning to feel the desire for knowing something more about the beasts and birds of which he was so fond.

分析:定语从句里还有一种小语法,即任意介词+which 等于when或where或why,也就是说介词+which在定语从句里不充当成分。这里of which = where,在这里翻译成“他喜欢的地方”,看成虚拟的地点。这里的of来源于be fond of表示“喜欢”的意思。

2. He was born in 1814 and was brought up on his father’s farm, in the hard rough way to which peasant children in France are always accustomed.

分析:这句话有两个主句,由and连接,第一个主句是“He was born in 1814”,第二个就是and后面的。第二个主句里嵌入了一个定语从句,“to which peasant children in France are always accustomed”,这里也是介词+which的形式,要能认出来。这个to来源于be accustomed to这个词组,意思表示“习惯于”。

3. The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.

分析:这个定语从句带有逗号,是非限制性定语从句,但非限制性定语从句是用来形容整个前面句子的,也就是没有先行词,被修饰的是前面的“The weather turned out to be very good”,这里需要注意下。

4. The foreign guests, most of whom were government officials, were warmly welcomed at the airport.

分析:这句话主句是“The foreign guests were warmly welcomed at the airport”,定语从句是“most of whom were government officials”,of是介词,记住介词后面跟which,不跟that,这点要注意。还有就是,根据“介宾”结构,后面要跟宾语,不跟主语,所以用的是whom。

5. The famous basketball star who once attracted a lot of attention tried to make a comeback.

分析:这句话主句是“The famous basketball star tried to make a comeback”,去划分句子的时候要保证主句和从句里都有一个动词,主句里的动词是tried,从句是“who once attracted a lot of attention”,从句里的动词是attracted。Who引导的定语从句是用来修饰basketball star的。


  1. 任意介词+which等于whenwherewhy,因此也是定语从句的引导词,要能看出来。

  2. 介词后面只能跟that,不能跟which,而且which不能指人。


1. Your brain and mine are different from the brain ofsomeone who speaks French.(C4P43L33)

2. Those surveyed had experienced chronic illness, for which orthodox medicine had beenable to provide little relief.(C4P47L12)

3. ----a brief development window during which the brain can actually bemodified in ways that are not possible earlier or later inlife.(C4P51L14)

4. Now I am confident to expand what we’ve been doing.(C4P65L5)

5. However, it is also a place where some children are exposed.(C4P65L18)

6. Just at the timewhen it became obvious that health-care resources could not possiblymeet the demands being made upon them, people were demanding that theirfundamental right to health-care be satisfied by the state.(C4P98L18)

7. He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died whilst the Dictionarywas still in preparation.(C5P17L4)

8. A third reason whythe writing of original science in English was delayed may have been to do withthe linguistic inadequacy of English in the early modern period.(C5P49L29)

9. Over time, world output has shifted into goods whose worth is unrelated totheir size and weight.(C6P22L21)


1. 12% patients suffer from digestive problems, isonly 1% more than those suffering from emotional problems. (C4P47L25)

2. At the same time, there are street children takepride in supporting themselves and their families and who often enjoy theirwork.(C4P66L3)

3. It is critical for all loans to be linked totraining programs include the development of basic business andlife skills. (C4P66L28)

4. There are tremendous advantages to involving parentsor guardians in the program, w suchrelationships exist.(C4P66L30)

5. We believe that credit must be extended inassociation with othertypes of support t help participant develop critical life skills as wellas productive business.(C4P66L42)

6.---the buildings, tools, and other artefacts thatconstitute is known as the material culture left overfrom former societies.(C4P93L8)

7. The field was launched, and the term ’artificialintelligence’ coined, at a conference in 1956 by a group of researchers includedMarvin Minsky, John, McCarthy, Herbert Simon and Alan Newell, all of went on to become leading figures in thefield.(C5P71L15)

8. Thus many temperate-zone birds use the increasingday lengths in spring as a cue to begin the nesting cycles, because this is apoint adequate food resources will beassured.(C5P94L19)

9. For those jobs are secure, pay increases are rarelypossible.(C6P68L11)

10.During this period, researchers from the LiverpoolSchool of Tropical Medicine,…interviewed newly 3000 women, some of had learnt to read as children, some duringthe literacy crusade and some had never learnt at all.(C6P89L14)

11. It is, hesays, the reason all those competitions on breakfast cerealpackets encouraged us to write in saying, in no more than 10 words :’I likeKellogg’s Corn Flakes because…’. (C10P26L40)




1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace.

A. Which B. where C. what D. in which

2.This is the hotel _______last month.

A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed

C. where they stayed at D . where they stayed

3.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?

A. which B. that C. when D. on which

4.That is the day ______I'll never forget.

A. which B. on which C. in which D. when

5.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here.

A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

6.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working.

A. where B. that C. which D. there

7.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.

A. whom B. who C. which D. that

8.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country?

A. who B. who's C. which D. whose

9.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing

A. which B. that C. whom D. who

10.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.

A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that

11.I can never forget the day _____ we worked together and the day ____ we spent together.

A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when

12.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.

A. why; that B. that; why C. for that; that D. for which; what

13.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.

A. that B. which C. from that D. from which

14. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing.

A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are


1 A 2 D 3C 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 C 8D 9 D 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 D 14 C


1. 这就是救了孩子生命的医生。

2. 她就是我要介绍给你的新学生。

3. 请递给我摆在桌上的那本书。

4. 那辆坏了轮胎的自行车现在已经修好了。

5. 正在弹钢琴的那位妇女是张小姐。

6. 我把你需要的东西都拿来了。

7. 我们要参观的第一个地方是北京图书馆。

8. 他在我们最需要的时候来了。

9. 这就是他渡过夜晚的那房子。

10. 我知道她学习好的原因。

11. Pollution is a pressingproblem which we must deal with.

12. In the room where theelectronic computer is kept, there must be no dust at all.

13. They worked out a new methodby which production has now been rapidly increased.

14. He liked his sister, who waswarm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof andarrogant.

15. The scientist, who wasdog-tired, went on with the experiment.


1.This is the doctor who saved the boy’s life.

2.She is the new student whom I want to introduce toyou.

3.Please pass me the book which ison the table.

4. The bike whose brake was damaged has now been repaired.

5.The woman that is playing the piano is Miss Zhang.

6.I’ve brought everything that you need.

7.The first place that we’ll visit is Beijing Library.

8.He came at a time when we. needed him most.

9. This is the room where he spent the night.

10.I know the reason why she studies so well .

11. 污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。

12. 在存放计算机的房间里,不能有一点灰尘。

13. 他们制定出一种新方法,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。

