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1. Here is your sweater, put away it.(×)

 Here is your sweater, put it away. (√)

 [析] put away, pick up, put on等"动词+副词"构成的词组后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在动词和副词之间。

2. Look! Here the bus comes.(×)

 Look! Here comes the bus.(√)

 [析] 在以here, there引起的陈述句中,若句子的主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用"Here /There+动词+名词"结构;但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序, 即用"Here/There +代词+动词"结构。

3. I do well in playing football, _______. (我妹妹也行。)A. so my sister does(×)B. so does my sister(√)

 Li Lei is really a football fan. --- _______. (确实这样.) A. So is he(×) B. So he is(√)

  •  [析] "so+be动词/助动词+主语"的倒装结构表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,意为"……也是这样";"so+主语+be动词/助动词"的陈述结构表示对前述情况的肯定,意为"……确实如此"。
