1、It's not as simple as you think.(事情不是你想的那么简单。)

2、I have something else to do. I'll go first.(我还有事,我先走了。)

3、Why didn't you answer your phone?(你为什么不接电话?)

4、I 'll give you a perfect score for this operation.(这波操作我给满分。)

5、Well, congratulations.(那恭喜你了。)

6、You'll feel better if you speak with what's on your mind.(心事说出来,你会感觉好很多。)

7、All efforts will not be in vain.(所有的努力都不会白费。)

8、The plan is going well.(计划很顺利。)

9、I'm lucky to know you.(认识你很幸运。)

10、We need to find out the reason as soon as possible.(我们需要尽快找出原因。)
