The last week,the last month...指“上个星期(月)某个时刻开始到说话者现在的一段时间”。译为”从上个星期(月)...开始“。“最近的……,最后的……”


现在是July 15th,1985(1985年7月15日),那么the last month就是6月15日至7月15日的一段时间;the last year是指从1984年7月到1985年7月的一段时间。

I‘ve had a cold for the last week.(=for the seven days up to today)从上个星期开始,我就感冒了。

We've lived here for the last year.(=sicne twelve months ago)我们从去年就住在这里了。

In the last few years, this art has made a big leap.



I had spent the last few months boning up on neurology.



For the last 20 years, I have been an unquestioning supporter of comprehensive schools.



The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month



He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months



She's had a really tough time the last year and a half



Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last 100 million years of Precambrian times.



He sank two crucial putts in the last three holes.



表示“在过去(最近)多少时间里(即迄今为止的一段时间里)”这一意义时,通常用“介词+the last+一段时间”这一结构,此时应注意:

(1) 该结构中的介词可以是 in, for, during, over, within 等,有时也可省去。

(2) the last 也可换为 the past 意义不变,其中的 the 有时也可根据其后名词的单复数情况改用 this 或 these 等。

(3) 其中的“一段时间” 可以是 two hours, four weeks, a few months, ten years 等,但若是 one week, one month, one year 等单数形式,则应省去one。

(4) 该结构一般与现在完成时态连用。

I have been here (for) the last [past] month. 最近一个月里我都在这儿。

We’ve been having bad weather these last few weeks. 这几周来天气一直不好。

My business has decreased during the last two months. 最近两个月内,我的生意减少了。


In the past two years I had seen him little. 在过去两年里,我很少见到他。