

1. After months of hard work, she was awarded the title of 'Student of the Year'.(经过几个月的努力,她荣获了“年度学生”的称号。)

2. The football team received an award for their outstanding performance in the tournament.(足球队因其在锦标赛中的出色表现而获得了奖励。)

3. The judge's award in the case favored the plaintiff.(法官的裁决对原告有利。)

然而,值得注意的是,“award”在不同的语境中可能需要搭配不同的介词。例如,“receive an award”,“win an award”,或“be presented with an award”。


1. “Prize”通常指的是竞赛或比赛中赢得的物品,更侧重物质奖励。例如:She won the first prize in the painting competition.(她在绘画比赛中赢得了第一名。)

2. “Medal”则更具体,常用于军事或体育领域的荣誉,也有纪念意义。例如:He was presented with a gold medal for his bravery.(他因勇敢而被授予一枚金牌。)

3. “Honour”侧重于名誉或尊重,不一定是物质形式的奖励。例如:Being chosen as the class representative is an honour for her.(被选为班级代表对她来说是一种荣誉。)

4. “Reward”强调的是对某种行为或服务的回报,可以是金钱或其他形式的激励。例如:The company offers a reward for anyone who can solve the problem.(公司为能解决问题的人提供奖励。)