

1. "The architect presented a blueprint for the new library, outlining the layout and materials to be used."(建筑师提出了新图书馆的蓝图,详细列出了布局和使用的材料。)

2. "The startup's business plan served as a blueprint for its future growth."(这家初创公司的商业计划书成为了其未来发展的蓝图。)



3. "The essay's introduction provided a blueprint of the argument that would be developed in the following paragraphs."(文章的引言部分给出了将在后续段落中展开的论点的蓝图。)

接下来,我们来探讨一下"blueprint"的一些同义词,并分析它们之间的微妙差异。常见的替代词有"plan", "scheme", "design", 和 "template"。

1. "Plan"是最通用的词,通常指的是一种有序的行动方案,可以应用于各种情况,从建筑项目到个人目标。例如:"We need a solid plan to complete the project on time."(我们需要一个坚实的计划来按时完成项目。)

2. "Scheme"往往带有某种策略或阴谋的意味,可能涉及一些秘密或复杂的安排。例如:"His scheme to cheat on the exam was eventually uncovered."(他作弊的计划最终被揭露了。)

3. "Design"强调的是创造性的过程和结果,常用于艺术、工程或产品开发。例如:"The designer's innovative design transformed the fashion industry."(设计师的创新设计改变了时尚界。)

4. "Template"则指一个预设的模型或框架,可以作为创建新事物的基础。例如:"The students were given a writing template to help structure their essays."(学生们得到了一个写作模板来帮助他们构建文章结构。)