
1. 传送,发送:这是"send"最基础的含义,通常指通过物理或电子方式将物品、信息从一个地方传递到另一个地方。例如:

   - "I'll send the package to your address tomorrow."(我会明天把包裹寄送到你的地址。)

   - "She sent an email to her professor to ask for an extension on the assignment."(她给教授发了邮件请求延长作业期限。)

2. 派遣,派遣某人去做某事:用于描述安排或命令某人去执行特定任务。例如:

   - "The boss sent John to New York on a business trip."(老板派约翰去纽约出差。)

   - "The teacher sent us to the library to research for our essays."(老师让我们去图书馆为论文做研究。)

3. 发射,发射物体:常用于描述火箭、卫星等的发射。例如:

   - "NASA sent a new satellite into orbit last week."(上周,NASA发射了一颗新的卫星进入轨道。)


1. "Transmit":这个词更正式,常用于科技、广播或通信领域,表示传输或传递信息。例如:"Radio waves transmit signals over long distances."(无线电波能远距离传输信号。)

2. "Dispatch":强调迅速、高效地发送或派遣。例如:"The ambulance was dispatched immediately after the call."(接到电话后,救护车立即被派出。)

3. "Forward":在电子邮件或消息传递中,"forward"表示转发。例如:"Can you forward me the meeting notes?"(你能把会议记录转发给我吗?)

4. "Convey":较为正式,常用于书面语,不仅指物质的传递,也包括情感、信息的传达。例如:"Her smile conveyed a message of warmth and friendliness."(她的微笑传递出热情友好的信息。)


1. "Send sb. to do sth.":派遣某人去做某事。例如:"My mother sent me to the store to buy some groceries."(我妈妈让我去商店买些杂货。)

2. "Send sth. to sb.":将某物发送给某人。例如:"I'll send you the book as soon as I finish reading it."(我一读完这本书就寄给你。)

3. "Send off":送别,寄出。例如:"We had a party to send off our friend who was moving abroad."(我们举办了一个派对为即将出国的朋友送行。)

4. "Send up":在某些语境下,可以表示讽刺或嘲笑。例如:"He sent up a hilarious parody of his boss's speech."(他以滑稽的模仿来嘲讽老板的讲话。)