



1. 取消预订 - "I need to cancel my hotel reservation due to an unexpected change of plans." (由于计划突变,我需要取消我的酒店预订。)

2. 取消会面 - "We have to cancel tomorrow's meeting because the speaker is ill." (我们不得不取消明天的会议,因为演讲者病了。)

3. 取消订单 - "The customer decided to cancel the online order before it was shipped." (顾客决定在订单发货前取消。)

4. 取消订阅 - “After realizing she wasn’t reading the magazine, she decided to cancel her subscription.” (意识到她没有阅读杂志后,她决定取消订阅。)



1. “Delete”通常用于电子文档或数据,侧重于彻底移除信息的过程。例如:"He accidentally deleted the important email."(他不小心删除了那封重要的邮件。)

2. “Erase”则常用于物理媒介上的信息清除,如黑板或磁带。比如:"The teacher erased the mistakes on the blackboard."(老师擦掉了黑板上的错误。)

3. “Void”是一个较为正式的用词,多用于法律或商业文件,表明使某项协议或支票等失效。示例:"The contract will be void if not signed by both parties."(如果双方不签字,合同将无效。)

4. 相比之下,“cancel”强调的是取消已经计划或安排的事件,且通常涉及时间安排上的调整。如:“The flight was cancelled due to bad weather conditions.” (由于天气状况不佳,航班被取消了。)