


1. 描述自然界的丰富:

例句:The rainforest is abundant in species, making it a vital area for biological research.


2. 形容资源的充足:

例句:This country is abundant with natural resources, which contributes significantly to its economic growth.


3. 指时间和机会的富裕:

例句:Despite her busy schedule, she found abundant time to volunteer at the local shelter.




1. Abundant vs. Plentiful:


例句:There are plentiful chairs in the room.(房间里有很多椅子。)

      The ocean has abundant oxygen.(海洋中有丰富的氧气。)

2. Abundant vs. Ample:


例句:We have ample time to finish the project.(我们有足够的时间完成这个项目。)

      The book provides an abundant amount of details.(这本书提供了大量细节。)

3. Abundant vs. Rich:


例句:She comes from a rich family.(她来自一个富裕的家庭。)

      The library has an abundant collection of books.(图书馆藏书丰富。)