Market Economy


Market economy,也被称为市场经济或自由市场制度,是一种经济体系,其中商品和服务的生产、分配和消费主要由市场机制来决定。在这种系统中,价格由供求关系决定,企业和个人自主决策,追求自身利益,同时受到市场竞争的约束。政府的角色通常限于维护法律秩序,保护产权,以及提供公共物品和服务。


1. "The United States is an example of a developed market economy, where private enterprises compete to provide goods and services to consumers." (美国是一个发达的市场经济体,私营企业竞相向消费者提供商品和服务。)

2. "In a market economy, the price of a product is determined by the interplay of supply and demand, not by government fiat." (在市场经济中,产品的价格由供求关系决定,而不是政府的命令。)

3. "Market economies encourage innovation as companies strive to outdo each other in developing new products or improving existing ones." (市场经济鼓励创新,因为公司努力在开发新产品或改进现有产品方面超越竞争对手。)


1. Capitalism:资本主义与市场经济有密切关联,但不完全相同。Capitalism强调私有制和利润动机,而market economy更侧重于市场机制在资源配置中的作用,资本主义可以是市场经济的一种形式。

   例句:"While capitalism often refers to the ownership of means of production by private individuals, a market economy is more about how resources are allocated through market forces." (虽然资本主义通常指的是生产资料的私人所有,但市场经济更多地关乎资源如何通过市场力量进行配置。)

2. Free Market:自由市场是一个更严格的术语,它强调市场不受政府干预的程度。在市场经济中,政府可能在一定程度上干预以保障公平竞争或社会福利。

   例句:"A free market system is a subset of a market economy where the government's role is minimal, while in a market economy, some level of government intervention may exist to maintain order or protect consumers." (自由市场制度是市场经济的一个子集,政府的作用极小,而在市场经济中,政府可能存在一定程度的干预以维持秩序或保护消费者。)

3. Command Economy:计划经济与市场经济相反,资源的分配主要由政府计划决定,而非市场机制。

   例句:"Unlike a market economy, a command economy, such as that practiced in the former Soviet Union, is characterized by central planning and state control over production and distribution." (与市场经济不同,如前苏联实行的计划经济,其特点是中央规划和国家对生产和分配的控制。)