
"Economic growth"是指一个国家或地区的经济在一段时间内(通常以年为单位)产出的商品和服务总量的持续增加。这种增长体现在国内生产总值(GDP)的提升,反映了经济体的生产力和效率的提高。经济的增长可以是自然增长,即由于技术进步、劳动力投入增加和资本积累等因素;也可以是通过政策刺激实现的,如财政政策或货币政策。


1. "Over the past decade, China has experienced remarkable economic growth, becoming the world's second largest economy."(过去十年,中国经历了显著的经济增长,成为全球第二大经济体。)

2. "The government is implementing various policies to stimulate economic growth in the aftermath of the pandemic."(政府正在实施一系列政策以在疫情后刺激经济增长。)

3. "Sustained economic growth is essential for reducing poverty and improving living standards."(持续的经济增长对于减少贫困和提高生活水平至关重要。)

4. "Economic growth is often accompanied by improvements in infrastructure, technology, and education."(经济增长通常伴随着基础设施、技术和教育的改善。)


1. **Economic Expansion** - 指经济规模的扩大,与经济增长相似,但更强调市场和产业的广度而非深度。

   例句:"The country's economic expansion has led to the creation of new industries and job opportunities."(这个国家的经济扩张催生了新的行业和就业机会。)

2. **Economic Development** - 强调经济结构的改善和生活质量的提高,不仅包括GDP的增长,还包括社会福利、教育、健康等多方面的发展。

   例句:"Economic development not only focuses on GDP growth but also emphasizes social progress and environmental sustainability."(经济发展不仅关注GDP的增长,还强调社会进步和环境可持续性。)

3. **Macroeconomic Performance** - 宏观经济表现,涵盖经济增长、就业率、通货膨胀等多个宏观经济指标的整体表现。

   例句:"A strong macroeconomic performance indicates a healthy economy with stable growth and low unemployment."(强劲的宏观经济表现表明经济健康,具有稳定的增长和低失业率。)

4. **Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth** - 直接衡量一个国家或地区经济规模增长的指标。

   例句:"GDP growth is a commonly used indicator to assess a nation's economic health and progress."(GDP增长率常被用来评估一个国家的经济健康状况和进步。)