
“Bubble Economy”(泡沫经济)是一个经济学术语,指的是一个国家或地区的经济在短期内迅速膨胀,其增长速度远超实际的生产力和经济发展水平。这种增长通常由投机活动、过度投资或金融市场的非理性繁荣驱动,而非稳健的经济增长基础。当市场参与者对资产价值的过高预期破裂时,会导致资产价格急剧下跌,引发经济危机。泡沫经济通常伴随着资产价格的极度不稳定,以及随后可能的严重经济衰退。

英文解释:The term "Bubble Economy" refers to an economic situation where a country or region experiences rapid and unsustainable expansion, significantly exceeding its actual productive capacity and long-term economic growth. This growth is often fueled by speculative activities, overinvestment, or irrational exuberance in financial markets, rather than solid economic fundamentals. When the overinflated expectations for asset values collapse, it leads to a sharp decline in asset prices, triggering an economic crisis. Bubble economies are characterized by extreme volatility in asset prices and can result in severe economic downturns following the eventual burst of the bubble.


1. "In the late 1990s, the dot-com bubble was a prime example of a bubble economy, with technology stocks soaring to unrealistic heights before crashing spectacularly."


2. "Economists warn that the current real estate boom could be a bubble economy, as prices have surged without corresponding increases in salaries or job creation."


3. "After the burst of the housing bubble, the economy entered a recession, highlighting the dangers of relying on a bubble economy for sustained growth."



1. **Boom Economy** - 指经济快速增长的时期,但不一定伴随泡沫现象。Boom经济可能基于实际的经济增长,而Bubble经济则主要由非理性投机驱动。

2. **Speculative Bubble** - 这个术语更侧重于资产价格的非理性上涨,而不一定涉及整个经济体。Bubble Economy可以看作是Speculative Bubble在更大范围内的表现。

3. **Financial Bubble** - 这个词特指金融市场的过度膨胀,通常与特定资产类别(如股票或房地产)相关,而Bubble Economy则涵盖了更广泛的经济活动和领域。

4. **Hype Cycle** - 这是一个技术或商业术语,描述了新技术或概念从被过度炒作到实际应用的阶段。虽然与Bubble Economy有相似之处,但Hype Cycle通常不涉及整个经济体系,而是专注于特定行业或创新。