**by the way**


1. **顺便说一下**:在主要话题之外插入一个相关但不直接相关的信息或问题,通常用于引出新的讨论点。

2. **另外**:用于提及一个附加的、次要的事实或信息。

3. **途中**:在去往某个地方的过程中。


1. "By the way, have you heard about the new restaurant downtown? We should try it sometime." (顺便说一下,你听说市中心新开的那家餐厅了吗?我们应该找个时间去试试。)

2. "I forgot to mention earlier, by the way, your presentation was excellent." (另外,我之前忘了提,你的演讲非常出色。)

3. "I saw your old friend in the park by the way to my office." (我在去办公室的路上顺便经过公园时看到了你的老朋友。)


1. **Incidentally**: 与"by the way"相似,表示插入一个与当前话题相关但不直接相关的信息。例如:"Incidentally, I found an interesting article on the same topic yesterday." (顺便说一句,我昨天找到了一篇关于同样主题的有趣文章。)

2. **Oh, by the way**: 这个短语比"by the way"稍显强调,通常用于突然想起一个重要的信息。例如:"Oh, by the way, we need to submit the report tomorrow, not today." (哦,对了,我们需要明天提交报告,不是今天。)

3. **In passing**: 表示在谈论其他事情时顺便提及。例如:"In passing, I should mention that the deadline for the project has been moved forward." (顺便提一下,我应该提到项目的截止日期已经提前了。)

4. **As an aside**: 这个短语用于插入一个非主要的评论或观察。例如:"As an aside, I think the color scheme of this room is really soothing." (顺便说一下,我觉得这个房间的颜色搭配真的很舒缓。)