"To turn a deaf ear to" 是一个英语习语,意指故意不听或忽视某人的请求、建议、警告或其他信息,即使这些信息可能很重要或相关。这个表达强调了对某事的漠不关心或故意的无视。



1. Despite numerous complaints from the neighbors, the factory continued to turn a deaf ear to their concerns about pollution.


2. She turned a deaf ear to her mother's advice and went ahead with her reckless plan.


3. The government seems to be turning a deaf ear to the cries of the homeless population for better living conditions.


4. He turned a deaf ear to the teacher's warnings and got himself into serious trouble.


5. No matter how many times I reminded him, he always turned a deaf ear to my suggestions.



1. **Ignore** - 忽视,不理会,通常指的是对某事的有意忽略,但并不强调是否知道。

   例句:He ignored the traffic lights and kept driving, putting himself and others in danger. (他无视交通灯,继续驾驶,使自己和其他人处于危险之中。)

2. **Disregard** - 忽视,轻视,常用于正式或书面语境,暗示对某事的不屑一顾。

   例句:The company disregarded the safety regulations, leading to a tragic accident. (公司无视安全规定,导致了一场悲剧事故。)

3. **Pay no attention to** - 不注意,不理会,口语化表达,强调主动不去关注。

   例句:She pays no attention to gossip and focuses on her work. (她不理会流言蜚语,专心于自己的工作。)

4. **Tune out** - 关闭(某人),忽略(某人的话),通常用于描述在对话中或听别人讲话时选择不听。

   例句:When she started talking about politics, I tuned her out and focused on my book. (当她开始谈论政治时,我选择不听,专心看书。)