"To be dismissed from school" 是一个动词短语,主要用来描述一个人因为违反学校规定、行为不当或者学术不诚实等原因,被学校正式开除或解除学业关系的情况。这个短语在英语中具有强烈的正式感,通常用于正式的教育环境。


1. 作为被动语态: "He was dismissed from school for cheating on the exam."(他因考试作弊被学校开除了。)

2. 作为主动语态: "The school dismissed her due to repeated absences without permission."(学校因为她未经许可多次旷课而将她开除了。)


1. **Expelled**: 这个词比 "dismissed" 更具惩罚性,通常用于严重的违规行为,如违法行为或严重破坏学校秩序。例如:"She was expelled for bringing a weapon to campus."(她因携带武器到校园被开除了。)

2. **Removed**: 这个词更通用,可以用于各种情况下的终止关系,但可能不涉及正式的处罚过程。例如:"He was removed from the school due to poor academic performance."(他因学习成绩差被学校退学了。)

3. **Fired**: 虽然在非正式语境中,这个词有时也可用于描述学生被开除,但它更常用于形容员工被解雇。例如:"The coach was fired from the school's athletic program."(教练被学校体育项目解雇了。)

4. **Barred**: 这个词强调禁止进入或参与,通常用于长期或永久性的禁止。例如:"He was barred from attending any further school events."(他被禁止参加任何学校的活动。)

5. **Excluded**: 这个词在英国英语中常见,意味着被排除在外,可能是因为行为问题或健康安全原因。例如:"She was excluded from school for aggressive behavior."(她因攻击性行为被学校排除在外。)


1. "After several warnings, the student was finally dismissed from school for his continuous tardiness."(经过多次警告,这名学生因其持续迟到最终被学校开除。)

2. "Being dismissed from school can have long-lasting consequences on a student's future prospects."(被学校开除可能会对学生的未来前景产生长期影响。)

3. "In some countries, being dismissed from school for political activism is a common occurrence."(在一些国家,因政治活跃而被学校开除是常有的事。)

4. "The principal decided to dismiss the student from school after discovering he had plagiarized his essay."(校长发现学生抄袭论文后决定将其开除。)

5. "She felt devastated when she received the letter stating that she was dismissed from school."(当她收到通知她被开除的信时,她感到非常沮丧。)