**to be angry with (at)**


这个短语 "to be angry with (at)" 表示对某人或某事感到愤怒或不满。它强调的是愤怒的情感是针对特定的人或情况。"With" 后通常跟人,而 "at" 后则可以跟人或物。


1. **To be angry with someone**: 当你对某人的行为或决定感到生气时,使用此结构。例如:

   - "I'm angry with my friend for not showing up on time."(我对我的朋友因为没有准时出现而感到生气。)

2. **To be angry at something**: 当你对某个情况或事件感到愤怒时,可以使用 "at"。例如:

   - "She was angry at the unfair treatment she received at work."(她对自己在工作中受到的不公平待遇感到愤怒。)

3. **To be angry at oneself**: 也可以用来表示对自己犯错或失败的愤怒。例如:

   - "He was angry at himself for making such a stupid mistake."(他为自己犯了如此愚蠢的错误而生气。)


1. He is always angry with his children when they don't do their homework.(当他的孩子们不做作业时,他总是对他们生气。)

2. I can't believe you're angry at me for this; it wasn't my fault.(你竟然为此生我的气,这不关我的事。)

3. She was so angry at the driver who cut her off in traffic that she honked furiously.(她对那个在交通中突然插队的司机非常生气,以至于疯狂地按喇叭。)

4. He's angry with himself for not preparing better for the exam.(他对自己没有为考试做好充分准备而感到生气。)


1. **Angry**: 这个词最直接地表达了愤怒或恼怒的情绪,可以单独使用,也可以与 "with" 或 "at" 搭配。

2. **Furious**: 强调极度的愤怒,比 "angry" 更强烈,常用于表达强烈的不满。

3. **Irate**: 通常用来形容突然的、强烈的愤怒,带有冲动的意味。

4. **Displeased**: 比 "angry" 轻微,表达的是不满或不高兴,但不一定涉及到愤怒。

5. **Upset**: 可以指因失望或困扰而产生的愤怒,也常用于描述情绪上的波动。


- "She was furious with him for forgetting their anniversary."(她因为他忘记了他们的结婚纪念日而非常生气。)

- "The customer was irate over the long wait time on the phone."(顾客对电话等待时间过长感到愤怒。)

- "He was displeased with the service at the restaurant."(他对餐厅的服务不满意。)

- "She felt upset when he didn't call as promised."(当他如约未打电话时,她感到不安。)